
Julia Heyd

Business Development, Denodo

Good leads came to our booth. Companies have the right size since we are expanding our partner network. It would have been good to meet more system integrators and consultant agencies.

Justine Zhao

Head of Marketing, MDS ap Tech

Good level of attendance in terms of organization and attendee level. Good level of interactions between attendees and sponsors.

Eleni Malamateniou

Senior Design Architect, Dorsch Gruppe

I would like to congratulate you for organizing this year’s event. I found the lectures very interesting, covering a wide range of topics that is related with high-rise buildings. As an architect, I was glad to listen to A. Abut and Stephan Frantzen. I also enjoyed the hospitality of Sofitel and the warm welcoming of the hostess for all lectures.

Boris Kranjcevic

TM Industry - GCC, SIKA

The quality of the setup and the organization was very nice and professional. Some of the delegates were interested in our newly developed products and technologies and we had a good response from architects with regards to Sika. So overall, it was a good conference.

Ramzi Sunnaa

General Manager – S&M, Middle East Specialized Cables

It has given us the chance to meet with consultants and architectural firms, enriching our knowledge and updates on codes, regulations and plans in the industry. Good leads and networking opportunities with different parties in the sector.