The 13th Annual WA Major Projects Conference is scheduled to take place on November 28 and 29, 2023 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. The conference will primarily focus on discussing crucial projects and topics in Western Australia's infrastructure pipeline. With a budget surplus of $4.2 billion, Western Australia remains the strongest economy in Australia. About $39 billion has been invested in significant projects across different sectors such as transport, health, urban renewals, and clean green energy.
The conference will commence with an opening speech by The Hon. David Michael MLA, Minister for Ports; Local Government; Road Safety, Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport. It will also feature keynote speakers who will provide firsthand insights on priority investments, including Development WA's overview of major projects such as the Ocean Reef Marina Project, Montario Quarter, and the Subi East Project, among others. The Infrastructure WA's 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy will be presented by Nicole Lockwood, Chairperson of Infrastructure WA. Additionally, the Department of Education - WA will present its plans for delivering new and upgraded schools.
Other notable topics include an update on Bristol Springs Green Hydrogen Project by Frontier Energy Ltd, Eastern Guruma's project overview, and a discussion on "A Blue and Green WA". This will talk about Council strategies and grassroots initiatives that are turning WA blue and green with infrastructure that protects the environment while uplifting communities.
The conference will also provide opportunities to network and connect with fellow delegates. With 200+ attendees, the 2023 Western Australia Major Projects Conference is an event not to be missed.
For more information or to register, visit
19 - 20 March 2025
Perth, WA Australia